Achievement and Innovation

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reduction in Class Size for some Math Students

Dec. 20, 2011

Algebra I and II Families,

It is with pleasure that I write this letter informing you that we will be able to lower some of our math class numbers in the new year and focus our curriculum more specifically to the needs of your student.  As you know the State of Michigan mandates that all students achieve Algebra 2 prior to graduation.  This is one of the most difficult classes in high school for many of our students.
Through some creative scheduling we will be deploying a few of our math teachers in different positions. The outcome will reduce our teacher student ratio allowing for our staff to individualize their instruction even more - Great!

Beginning after the Christmas Break your child _______________________will take:

Algebra ___ with ______________________ during ____ period in room _________.

We apologize for the short notice, but when we saw this opportunity - we jumped at it.  Please do not hesitate in contacting me with any questions.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays … GO PIONEERS !!!


Mr. Theo A. Kerhoulas

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Croswell-Lexington Early College

The college and high school have been working diligently to tweak the early college program and make it stronger.  Student feedback has been instrumental in our success and has lead to some incredible new opportunities:

Commencement and scholarship time is fast approaching - be sure and discuss your intentions with your parents as they will want to plan for this - I will have an informal parents information session on Dec. 13 at 5:30pm (no pressure to attend - we just want to be available for them).

ENG 101 (3 credits) will be offered to any early college student for the winter term at the Geiger College Center.  Preference will be given to those who did not achieve a 3 or higher on the articulated Advanced Placement exam last year.  It will begin Jan 13 and run on Fridays from 12:45 to 2:35.  Ms. Whelan is the professor. The district will pay half of the cost.  Please fill out the bottom portion of this and return with check to district.

The CLEP exam is an option that you may pursue on your own with SC4.

We are close to securing an agreement with SC4 allowing us to offer HIS 149-150 in lue of Advanced Placement US History (Mrs. Jolley will teach this).

Year 3 will transition primarily to the college campus - here is a skeleton draft that may change (and with written approval can be individualized an/od altered).  Now is the time to start thinking about where you will be transitioning to and contacting that college to determine what they will need (remember none of your college classes were at CLHS).

Both groups will take AP History at Cros-Lex 1st hour and two virtual classes.

Arts (Fall) Science (Fall)
BUS 150 10-11:15 M/W CHE 112 11-12:50 M/T/Th
ENG 102 11-12:15 T/Th ENG 102 2 - 3:15 T/Th
ECO 221 1-2:15 M/W
BIO 100 1-4:00 T/Th

    (Winter)                  (Winter)
9 elective credits CHE 113 11-12:50 M/T/Th
6 elective credits

this is due to Mr. Kerhoulas (front office) by Dec. 9/11

Yes I am committed to taking ENG 101 through Croswell-Lexington Early College and SC4.  I have included a check for $225.00 and know that I am responsible for any other costs for the class including books.  I also am aware that this opportunity is unique and not to expect it in the future for other advanced placement classes.

Student Name: ____________________________________________________

Student Signature: _________________________________________________